Friday, 13 June 2014

Meet the team with 3 days to go!

We only have 3 days to go now until we start our Run To Remember in the memory of PC Nicola Hughes!

Team mix & match have been doing differing levels of training for this challenge, whether that's practice runs, long walks or even aqua aerobics we have all been counting down the days and preparing ourselves for the coming 125 day feat!

Some of us have bought new gear, from running trainers, to outdoor clothing or gym kit, and despite the battles with injury, weight loss and general fitness improvement we are all so excited to get going! I could do with a good sports massage though if anyone has any recommendations?? :)

Here are 4 of the 5 members of Team Mix & Match: Stuart, Elaine, Tracey & Me.. Unfortunately Daniel (our 5th member) had work commitments when we went to collect these FAB T-Shirts that have been sorted by the girls at Longsight Police Station! Hopefully we will see Daniel in action later in the challenge.

So Here we are again with Team Longsight - all raring to go! Have you sponsored us yet?

If not please visit our Just Giving page!

With 1600 runners registered across the country... Let me know if you too are taking part in the PC Hughes Run To Remember!

Shoulder to shoulder we stood that horrible day. And shoulder to shoulder we've stayed. From the first mile to the last, we are proud to support this cause. We are stronger together. We are united!

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