Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Are hobbies really good for you?

Some people say hobbies are the key to stress free life....

Growing up I had a couple of different hobbies. My first one being football; as my mum played for the towns' ladies team (and she was really good I might add!) as a kid my weekends would be spent down at the side lines with the other players' kids. We had a great time, running around playing in the fresh air, rarely enough time to get bored before we back in the clubhouse having a drink and some butties! 

When I was a bit older I played for the under 12 girls team, I really enjoyed it but I soon discovered what was to become my real passion... Horse riding!

Perhaps the fresh air of the footy days gave me my love of the outdoors, and I was very lucky to have a few horse riding lessons, but it was a rather expensive hobby to want when you were a child of a single parent!

Lucky for me, a friend of my mums gave me the opportunity to ride her horses and help look after them. I learnt all the basics here and how to ride a 'proper' horse as opsoed to a riding school pony! For this, I thank her from the bottom of my heart.

After leaving school I became emersed in 'growing up' and so I didn't return to riding until I bought my very first horse at the age of 21. After owning various horses over a 6 year period I 'gave it up' due to work and education commitments... That was 2 years ago.

Photo: Me & my last horse Monty - true love, even in the winter!!

I don't have a hobby now, and I think I'm missing out... I miss my horses so much but it's such a time consuming hobby and an expensive one at that! Perhaps I should 'bite the bullet' and go for it? Or try to find something else?

Did you have a hobby as a child that you would like to revisit? Or perhaps you've taken up a new hobby in your older years?

Do you think hobbies are good for you, and really do have an impact on your stress levels?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on hobbies, and whether you think we are better with them or no different without them! 


  1. My blog is my hobby and it is great way to find time to myself away from the kids without going out. My old hobby was dance which I used to do several times a week. Now I'm limited to 1 class on a Thursday night and I do miss it but just couldn't justify the expense of doing more. :)

    1. It's great that you have kept your childhood hobby, even if it is only 1 night a week it is still part of your life.. and you are right about blogging being a hobby.. i guess I never really thought of it like that.. thanks :)

  2. I think hobbies are a great way to relax and switch off - mine is going to the gym - and particularly Zumba - in fact I am off to Charity Zumbathon this afternoon!

    1. A charity Zumbathon sounds fun! How did you get on? I think exercise is a definite contributor to a stress-less life, I feel great when i've been for a run - and guilty when i haven't!

  3. I think we all need something to help us unwind even if its just a handicraft like knitting doesn't have to be expensive. I do family history as a hobby :-)

    1. Becky, I went through a phase of researching my family history, it was SO interesting but SO time consuming too! Loved it and it's definitly something I will revisit in the futre, its intresting stuff!

  4. At the moment by blog is my hobby, before that it was comping. I definitely feel I need "something" that is mine that's not related to work or hubby or child. It gives me time to just be me and not mum, wife, daughter, etc.

    1. That's a really great way to look at it too, a hobby is something personal and it's great to have that special 'me' time doing something you enjoy!

  5. I don't really remember having a hobby when I was younger, I suppose that blogging is it for me too now. Have recently taken up yoga though & I love that. Definitely think that a hobby is good for you, not so much what you're doing but that you get some time for you & enjoy it!

    1. Yoga is something I have never tried, nor do I really know much about its benefits, do you take part as part of a gym membership? Or is it a class by class group?

  6. I did ballroom dancing as a child :) My hobbies now are blogging and studying - work work work I suppose ha ha, but I enjoy it. I think it is important to have time to yourself x

    1. Hey Kerrie, if you have a goal in sight then I'm all for the hard work! But there is a famous saying 'Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life' which you can use as an excuse for some 'me time' when you really deserve a break from it all! :)

    2. This is so true, I really need to bear this in mind :) xxx

  7. Busy Busy Busy!! Did you have any hobbies prior to your blog? Do you think blogging has an impact on your stress levels?

  8. oh i miss my horses. But I wouldn't have the time anymore. Heck, I barely have the time for kids and work together never mind a time consuming hobby. i'm better off with crochet these days that i can quickly fit in between other stuff.

    1. Heather, you had horses too? I'm sure you agree it's just a passion you either have, or don't. What did you have?

  9. we're definitely better with hobbies! The hobby I came across 6 years ago was curling, having watched it on tv at the Olympics, I went online and found the only curling rink in England was only 35 miles away! I went and tried and fell in love with it!
    Hobbies can be mentally and physically refreshing, and can even turn into careers.
    I do know people who don't have any hobbies at all - I find that odd, but it doesn't seem to bothee them, so I guess I depends on the individual - I'd always recommend them though!
    Thanks for a thought provoking post!
    cheers, Gordon

    1. Gordon I can definitely say I've never tried curling! Are you any good? ;-) I think it's really important to have a hobby to take your mind off day to day stuff and it's great that you were inspired by the Olympics!!

    2. I would call myself 'ok'! It's a game of such small margins the higher the level you go. I love playing and watching, and worked at the rink for a season a few years ago - earning from a hobby was even more fun! ;-)

  10. Oooh what an interesting post. I had quite a few hobbies when I was younger from ice skating to horse riding to trampolining! As much as I'd love to have a hobby I honestly don't think I have the time. I've been trying yoga lately as I thought it might help to de-stress but I actually stress out more over the thought of going! I've come to the conclusion that two jobs and a family to support is more than enough for me but glad that I can blog as and when I want. I guess blogging is my hobby then!

    1. It certainly sounds like you have your work cut out! I think you were right by stopping your yoga classes if it was causing you to stress even more.. And you are right, blogging its a great hobby to have! Good luck juggling all your commitments - very commendable!
